Shoeless Joe Jackson Times
Picture Gallery

A form letter in reply to a Jackson inquiry from the latest commisoner

Joe Jackson's grave site in Greenville, South Carolina

Sign in the Hall of Fame listing the highest batting averages

Closeup of the nameplate on Jackson's grave

Drawing of Joe in a batting stance by Blair Jenson of Culture House

Shoeless Joe's shoes displayed in the Hall of Fame

The White Sox in court in 1920

Jackson in a White Sox uniform

Jackson, Swede, and Collins

Jackson on the cover of "Baseball Magazine"

Closeup of Jackson in a White Sox uniform

Newspaper article containing a photo taken in 1948

Plaque showing Joe's induction to the Greenville Hall of Fame

Drawing of Jackson by Blair Jenson of Culture House

Shoeless Joe's signature as it appears on his last will and testament

Team picture of the 1919 White Sox

" Shoeless Joe " Production Commemorative Poster

Inside of the playbill for the production " Shoeless Joe "

Pictures from the Brandon Mill Field Dedication

Banner displayed in downtown Greenville

Joe's house at 119 East Wilburn Street in Greenville

One of Jackson's cousins who was present at the dedication

Brandon Mill, where Joe worked as a child

Road Sign along the " Shoeless Joe Jackson Parkway "

Sign to " Shoeless Joe Jackson Memorial Park "

Prominent Jackson supporters who were present at the dedication

Entrance to " Shoeless Joe Jackson Memorial Park "

A flyer for the dedication ceremony


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